I never knew I had a bucket list until I saw the movie. Not that I'm terminally ill. I'm not. And, not that I have a list of places I must go before I do kick the bucket forsaking everything else. Well, I do have a list of sorts. But, in the days after watching the movie, I slowly realized that my life has been my bucket list. I don't expect the reaper to be knocking at my door soon, but, if he dropped by a few days before the day for a chat about my life, I think I'd tell him that I've done most of the things I wanted to do. Not that I popped out of my mom's womb trailing this long list of things to do and places to go. It took me at least eight or ten years to begin the list. And, most importantly, not that I'm done with the list. I hope I'll keep crossing things off of it until the day the reaper finally says, "OK, that's it. Put down your list." But, until that day, here are some of the things off my bucket list ....... in no particular order .......

Join the Navy

This might be a good place to start. Chronologically, it works. It's back toward the beginning of the list. Every kid who goes into the service remembers that as a BIG event in their young lives. It sure was for me. Actually, I wanted to enlist in the Coast Guard, not the Navy. But I couldn't find a Coast Guard recruiter in Montana - or something like that. So, heck, the Navy still would let me cross the item off my list.
This is the picture the Navy sent my mom when I graduated from boot camp in Great Lakes, Ill.
Now I suppose you want some sort of Navy story. Well, I do have a lot of them. Actually, some of my Navy stories are other items from my list. And, well, there are other Navy stories that never woulda made the list and sure aren't going to make it into print here.
So, OK, here's a quick one. I think it's one of the most embarassing moments of my life. Maybe I wasn't embarassed; more like mortified. Or freaked out. Heck, you decide. My memory isn't terribly clear about the event. And, oh yeah, this is one of the things that was another item on my list. It just didn't happen like I'd ever dreamed it would.
(Remember this is a blog ... so you need to look ABOVE this post for the next one.)

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